Necati Seydi Ferahoğlu

Necati Seydi Ferahoğlu

Member since 9 months
Trabzon / Turkey
He was born in 1975 in Amasya.
In 1998, he graduated from Karadeniz Technical University Fatih Education Faculty Painting and Art Teaching program and was appointed as a teacher in the same year.

The artist, who focused on oil painting after he started teaching, completed his master's degree at Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences Painting and Teaching program in 2007.
He served as a jury member in national and international painting competitions.
Since 2008, she has been working as a painting teacher.
The artist, whose works are in private collections and museums, participated in many group and group exhibitions, including 20 personal exhibitions.
He participated in 28 art workshops and symposiums, 21 national and 9 international.

The artist, who has 5 awards, is a member of the United Painters and Sculptors Association (BRHD) and the Black Sea Plastic Artists Association (KPSD).
He still continues his painting and sculpture works in his own studio.
"One of my main concerns in dealing with subjects such as roosters, goats and ruined houses is that I think people have turned their backs on nature and the creatures that exist in nature. The rooster is a symbol of awakening. The roosters in my paintings are symbols that give the message that people need to wake up from this sleep of inaction.

The stubborn aspect of the goat stands out in my paintings. In the face of the damage caused by humans to nature, nature stubbornly renews itself, embraces all living things, including humans, and ensures their survival. Here the goat symbolizes the nature that stubbornly renews itself.

The ruined houses that I sometimes use in the background of my paintings symbolize the destructiveness of humans, their recklessness and the fact that they can abandon everything without embracing their past.

In my paintings, the abstract treatment of the backgrounds and the placement of domestic structures in my paintings are actually a metaphorical expression of destruction and the fact that this destruction is caused by human hands. Wide spaces, on the other hand, not only express my spiritually serene nature, but also the beauty offered to me by the geography I live in. I observe the nature, make the necessary adjustments, and then go to the canvas with the composition I have created in my memory.''
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