4 months ago

Girl with Flower Tattoo by Tyla Johnson

Oil Paint

I was honored to have Girl with Flower Tattoo selected for the Art Muse Contest Emerging Artist Finalist Award and the Jack Meier Gallery Representation Award Finalist! Thank you so much Art Muse Contest, Jack Meier Gallery, and judge David Boyd! Also a big thank you goes out to model Samantha Matthews VanGorderand Beehive Beauty Shop as well as my Painted Ladies partners Karen Mattson and Karen Whitworth who helped make this the model session for this painting possible. Here is what the Judge had to say: ”I feel like the model is looking into my soul! Not an easy thing to capture with paint. The brushwork is free yet deliberate and I really love the dominant red color scheme that ties in with the rose tattoo and the little pops of green to lead the eye around the image. Very well orchestrated.”

Dimensions24.000 x 36.000 x 2.000
inchesThis piece has been already sold.
Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.

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